There are some homes for which conventional air conditioning and heating systems are simply impractical.
To address these situations, Drabek and Hill is proud to offer a line of Samsung Ductless Mini-Split systems.
Engineered to install quickly and easily without ductwork, Samsung systems provide cooling and heating solutions where others cannot as well as provide zoned comfort for residential and commercial buildings. You should think about a ductless mini-split system for an office building, bonus rooms, add-ons or areas where installing ductwork would be too costly or simply impossible.
How It Works
A Samsung system keeps the noisy compressor and condenser outside the house just like a standard unit, but it eliminates the need for a basement- or attic-located evaporator unit and bulky ductwork. Instead, it uses thin copper tubing to pump refrigerant directly to inconspicuous wall-mounted blowers. The tubing runs through a small 3 to 4-inch opening in the wall or ceiling. Even more amazing, this same unit can reverse in the winter, absorbing heat from the outside air and moving it indoors to heat your home.
No matter what your needs, a Samsung mini-split system has a variety of mix-and-match configurations.